accompanying show text
letterpress printed and made into tags
Clothing &
"It all really started when I began cutting up shirts that didn’t fit and fixing holes in thrifted clothes. Eventually, I picked up the sewing machine t and began thinking about the relationship we have with our closet. Yeah, I lost a couple of good shirts to a couple of bad cuts without measuring first, but the good ones are instant favorites. Believing that clothes are most valuable when brand new is only one part of the multi-headed monster that the global fashion industry has become. As I have gone deeper into the process of upcycling, I’ve realized the preciousness of how we dress our bodies has been long lost to consumerism. DON’T BUY NEW"
examples of things to do to alter YOUR clothes
cut, crop, and change clothes that don’t fit the way you want
embroider over stains or holes, or just for funsies
buy or make your own patches
tie-dye or paint with bleach
paint a pretty picture or design
doodle with paint pens or fabric markers
materials for getting started
embroidery: thread, hoop, & needle
fabric tape or hot glue
acrylic paint with fabric medium
measuring tape, ruler

DISPLAYED ALONG THE WALL ARE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE VARIOUS PROJECTS I'VE WORKED ON OVER THE PAST THREE YEARS THAT ALIGN WITH THE FOCUS OF S.C.R.A.P. These projects' current location ranges from my closet to that of my friends, the RGV community, strangers, and peers; at home and across North America.

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